Friday, May 06, 2011

2nd Sunday of Easter sermon

Beginning a new thing this week... sharing my sermons here rather than just keep them on my podcast.

I will include an excerpt, and a link to the whole text, plus embed the mp3 file to listen.

Our inheritance is that we are given a share in God’s very life. And this life is not something that is inaccessible to us now. We are given a share of it even now. This new life has begun to take root in us, as it has in Naomi.

The new life is the constant and eternal love of God made known in Jesus. The resurrection signals that this new life is the life God has desired to give us from all eternity. So we don’t see anything “new” but something unchanging which can only seem entirely new as our lives are so corrupted by the power of death around us.

Here is our living hope that God’s love for us has not changed, has not wavered, despite our seeking after other new and innovative gods which we believe might serve us better. The new life given us in the resurrection is the life that lasts and does not change. So God changes us that we might enjoy it eternally with him.

Read the whole sermon here.

Listen to it now.

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